One of the main goals of the thematic exhibit “Hiłt̕sist̕a’a̱m (the copper will be fixed)” is to offer an educational platform for the greater community about the true history of Canada and the relationship it has with Indigenous peoples. Hereditary Chief Rob Everson, of the Gigalgam Walas Kwagiulth, envisioned Potlatch 67-67 as a tool for sharing knowledge and teaching through the exhibit itself but also through community events and social media with hopes of sparking meaningful conversations around the kitchen table. Through a series of short videos, our honoured cultural keepers and elders, Mary Everson, Wedlidi Speck, Evelyn Voyageur and Hereditary Chief Rob Everson share their perspective on true reconciliation and the effects of the Potlatch Ban on Indigenous peoples across Canada.
“The path to true reconciliation will be realized only when the quality of life of Indigenous peoples across the country are equal to all Canadians, when culture and language are preserved and practised for future generations.”
-Hereditary Chief Rob Everson of the Gigalgam Walas Kwaguilth