Evelyn Voyegeur
Dr. Evelyn Voyageur is a Registered Nurse and holds a PhD in Psychology. Evelyn has extensive experience in health care in the community, hospital and in nursing education.
Evelyn worked with the Indian Residential School Society for four years from 1999, where her work concentrated on isolated villages and support for former students healing from the trauma of residential schools. Evelyn was invited to join the North Island College’s Nursing Program to support changes to its curriculum to help bring cultural awareness to their programming after hearing her present on “the effects of the residential school on the health of the First Nations.” In 2005, Evelyn received an award in nursing from Health Canada for making a difference in working with the First Nations people. Evelyn was the first Native nurse to receive this award of excellency.
Evelyn has been active in the Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada since 1980; serving as the BC representative, vice president and as president (2010 to 2012) and is still active in the association. Evelyn founded the Native and Inuit Nurses Association of BC (NINA) in the early 1980s to help educate those who work with the First Nations communities.